The mystery of the incarnation of God and religious painting have always been among Warlamis’ interests, both spiritually and artistically. In 2004, he painted one of the first paintings of Christ for the Ecumenical Patriarch who visited Vienna. After a very serious health crisis, Warlamis began to systematically engage with the face of Christ, researching sources, studying the Gospels and historical depictions, and created the cycle of works “Christ Today”. An unsurpassed collection of large-scale icons, sculptures and installations that was presented in 2011 at his Museum in Austria and then in 2012 at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and in 2014 at the Basilica of St. Mark in Heraklion and Santa Maria del Anima in Rome.

In many of his works, he incorporates elements from the historical iconography of Christ and one can discern references to the most ancient icon of Christ from Saint Catherine of Sinai, as well as to great European artists such as Velázquez, Rembrandt, Rubens, Caravaggio and of course Theotokopoulos.


he himself writes...

"Christ Today" a work on which I have worked for the last ten years, coincides with the conjuncture of the so-called economic crisis and brings, I believe, at the best moment, this joyful message of the Gospel, that everything is possible as long as we live with Christ, that is, with Love. Love is indeed a mystery, which is even greater than faith. The God of Love gave us this divine essence, to be able as humans, to see the other. To understand that the "other one" is our extension, is our strength.

E. Warlamis

what did they say...