The painting collection “THESSALONIKI, THE SISTER OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT” is a very interesting example of how the identity, past, present and future of a city can be conveyed in a visual way.

Warlamis’ love for the city since his childhood led him to create the impressive painting collection with 62 large paintings and a sculpture with the head of Thessaloniki that combines the historical figure of the daughter of Philip and Nikisipolis with the legend of the mermaid sister of Alexander the Great. It is a visual narrative of the history of Thessaloniki that was presented as part of DEMITRIA, in 2002, at the Port of Thessaloniki.

For the first time, thanks to Warlamis’ inspired work, we have the depiction of Thessaloniki. To this day, no image is known from antiquity or from contemporary painters with the face of Thessaloniki, the half-sister of Alexander the Great.

he himself writes...

"…My work for Thessaloniki is full of passion and feelings, love, flame and faith for my homeland Macedonia and for the city that I fell in love with since I was four years old. Without flame and love, there is no art. People who feel, love the crazy, the drunk from the intensity of life, the dreamers, the romantics. This great passion of mine to stay close to our people, to our children, to our grandparents, to our mothers, to our faith, gave birth to this work, these images that are essential for the inner identity of the city and for its international promotion. Because they are images of hope that Thessaloniki sends to the whole world..."

E. Warlamis

what did they say…

Learn more!

  • Find those points in your own city that make it unique.
  • Search through history, traditions and myths, both old and modern. People, historical events, and natural beauties that you will judge to be something special. It may even be something that you wish and that you would like your city to have.
  • Make a small exhibition about all of these and if you have talent but most importantly the mood, try to paint them.

You will certainly feel better about this work of Warlamis, but you will also get to know your place better.