Warlamis’ latest visual creation refers to the life and work of a modern Saint, Luke the physician. During a meeting in Austria with the Metropolitan of Veria, Mr. Panteleimon, the latter asked him to paint Saint Luke. Warlamis, although he knew nothing about this modern Saint until then, accepted and asked him for relevant material.

The life, scientific training and spiritual struggle of this modern Saint impressed and captivated Warlamis and, despite the difficulties he had with his health, he painted a complete cycle of icons that were presented in a space that he designed himself at the Monastery of Panagia Dovra on Mount Vermio. The collection includes 14 large-scale works.

he himself writes...

"...With these works of mine I want to convey to all people the deepest meaning of art and especially sacred art and to reveal the secret connection of man with God, our Father, the Father of love and mercy. I believe that the viewing and living experience of each work can help in the immediate return of every person who has strayed from the living religious experience. The most intense necessity of recognizing the love, meekness, humility of the Christian faith..."

E. Warlamis

what did they say…