In 2006, the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth, Warlamis, in order to honor this great composer, created a painting collection inspired by the life and music of this great creator but also by his interest in rendering a musical work with his images.

The concept was very original and impressive. He painted large paintings, placed in a row like a labyrinth, among which the visitor could move and at the same time listen, from different sources to Mozart’s music. In this way, Warlamis managed to give the opportunity even to those who have no musical education to have a special musical experience.

he himself writes...

"…I worked for four whole years on Mozart's work. For four years, with responsibility and discipline, I was taught his sounds, his music. I tried to find a way to transfer the notes, the compositions, the concertos, the services, the operas, into an iconographic world. From the first experiments, I found both the solution and the path. I had to work with the infinite colors in a parallel world, without logical coherence except for the eternal vertigo of his sounds..."

E. Warlamis

what did they say...