ALEXANDER 2000 (1997)

Warlamis’ collection of Alexander the Great is his most impressive painting work and is the largest painting collection ever made by an artist on the same subject.


He created hundreds of paintings, approaching 2,000, a monumental series that includes sculptures, installations, films, music and numerous publications.


With this great artistic work, Warlamis managed to revive the spirit of Alexander the Great not only as a warrior general, but as a well-rounded personality who combined scientific training with a spirit of inquiry and strategic thinking, perhaps the first Greek to grasp the concept of universality.

As he himself said, through the hundreds of faces of Alexander that he painted, who with his gaze directly looked at the viewer, he wanted each person to find their own Alexander. An original project that provoked the active participation of all people.

The presentation of Alexander’s collection was accompanied by original music written by the late musician Kostas Bravakis in collaboration with the painter.

The exhibition, which was presented in many cities in Greece and in foreign countries, is estimated to have been visited by more than two million people.

he himself writes...

"Alexander" represents the concept of Hellenism as I feel it, as the first conception of humanity that manages to overcome its prosody, "closure", the limits. I see Hellenism as a very deep anthropological structure: as the conception of the theory of alternating positions. A "soft" culture that allows us, if we do not agree on one point, to find another to agree on. It is not an object of nationalism but, perhaps, the most cosmopolitan structure that man has ever produced on this earth. This is also the Alexandrian spirit, which is necessary today more than ever.

E. Warlamis

What did they say...

Learn more!

  • What was Alexander really like as a student?
  • You will certainly know who his teacher was. But do you know where his “school” was?

The best way to learn about this is to read Plutarch.

From there you will better understand how Alexander… became the Great.

  • From Warlamis’ collection of countless Alexanders, find your own Alexander.
  • Choose from the painter’s works which one you like the most.
  • Write why you chose it and discuss it with your classmates, your teachers, and your parents.

Below you will see in a video how Warlamis paints an Alexander and how he gives “life” to a sculpture.