The world of children
what they said...
IT IS USUALLY BELIEVED that dreams have pale, faded colors. But some people must dream in bright colors. The Experimental Laboratory of Veria, for sure. His exhibition - with the countless children - in the neoclassical building of Aeridos, in Plaka (Goulandris - Horn Foundation), for us at least who saw it, was a chromatic surprise, a spectacular walk, which despite the intensity of its colors, leaves the visitor with a warm feeling.
They create. They work in clay, wood, cloth. With joy and freshness. These days. There at the Goulandris - Horn Foundation in Plaka. Outside and inside the Museum. Interesting, soft, attractive art from tender hands. With creations that leave the workshop and spread to the neighborhoods of Athens.
"It was an amazing program of the experimental Vergina Laboratory where for three days the children of Larissa lived, created and expressed themselves through art". was a real festival, of joy, carefreeness, creation, expression. "The workshops that were held gave the opportunity to young and old children to show their abilities, to try, to learn things for adults, perhaps simple, even unnecessary, that for children have as much value and are as necessary as oxygen - they are the values of life - it is learning through art" ....
Artistic... vacations for children
Describing the Summer Academy of Art for children is like trying to "close" in words the fairy tale, the imagination, the dream. Because this program, behind the weighty title, aims to sow the "seed" in the hearts of children, so that what is most beautiful and creative in them can emerge. was a real festival, of joy, carefreeness, creation, expression. "The workshops that were held gave the opportunity to young and old children to show their abilities, to try, to learn things for adults, perhaps simple, even unnecessary, that for children have as much value and are as necessary as oxygen - they are the values of life - it is learning through art" ....
This is a wonderful idea but at the same time an implementation and here in Volos it gives us the inspiration to continue shaping our spaces with greater imagination and, above all, a creative, artistic dimension. Congratulations to everyone...
Dimitris PitsiorisMAYOR OF VOLOS
As deputy mayor of this Municipality, I feel obliged to congratulate these people for the great achievement they presented to our Municipality. For the first time in this square, all the children of the area felt so beautiful and accepted it with such joy. This project proves that the future belongs to children. Warm congratulations to the Experimental Laboratory of Veria.
As Mayor of this city, I consider it my duty to sincerely congratulate the SUMMER ACADEMY OF ART FOR CHILDREN for its INTENSE presence in Trikala. It was a cool spiritual breeze in the hot August and in the cultural apnea that covers the province, especially in the field of CHILDREN'S events. The fact that it deals with what is most valuable to us as a country at this time, i.e. with the CHILD, with the revelation of creative possibilities and the exploration of the imagination of the little world, and the fact that even in the interval of schools, they show the paths that our children should take by making the most of their free time, paths that lead to CREATION, JOY, and not to consumption, this is another aspect that the SUMMER ACADEMY OF ART acquires for children, and for this it deserves our admiration and thanks. Certainly during this three-day event the children of Trikala were taught simple but important things. Mainly they lived in their own world in a square that until yesterday was unknown to them!!! I want to tell the children, we as a Municipal authority received the messages.