In his book “THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN VEROIA”, Warlamis begins by identifying and becoming aware of the abusive treatment of a historical and religious monument of Veroia, the Church of Christ, and highlights the consequences for the residents and the impact it has on the future of the city and its development.

The internationally renowned architect and painter, armed with love and interest for his birthplace, his deep faith, his excellent scientific education and his artistic sensitivity, uses information and evidence from prehistory, which refer to the founding of a city and focuses on the consequences of the destruction of democratic, social and urban organization, but also on the inability of today’s cities to support and highlight personalities, with the result that, especially the youth with their creative drive, are led unprotected to the uncritical acceptance and integration of foreign values ​​that make it easy to inactivate and manipulate them.

With his global perspective, he not only identifies the problems and distortions, but also proposes alternative practical solutions that can renew the relationship of residents with their city, restore their connection and identification, and thus be able to correct mistakes and omissions that led to the relaxation of social values, the deification of consumerism and quick profit, and ultimately to the irresponsible and anonymous presence of people in the political space.