In 1995, on the 1900th anniversary of the writing of the Book of Revelation by John, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew asked Warlamis to create a painting collection on the theme of the APOCALYPSE of John, which would accompany the international symposium entitled “APOCALYPSE AND ENVIRONMENT” that was organized “at sea” in the summer of that year under his auspices on the ship “Preveli”.

Of particular interest is the “Pentatectic” series, the works in which Warlamis presented in a paradisiacal environment the people in white clothes – as the text of the Apocalypse describes them – who will be saved after the destruction.

he himself writes...

…I quickly realized that the “children of God” really do not need either fear or terror. It seems much more difficult to remain a child and maintain a childish look. So like the “little prince” I had to draw everything “lowly” and paint it in such a way that the images would charm everyone. If you wish to speak to many people, you must tame all egocentrism. The biggest message is that formalist art must give way to a language that comes directly from the heart.

E. Warlamis

what did they say...

The message of His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the Conference

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