Warlamis held in high esteem the musical creation and personality of Mikis Theodorakis and was connected to him by a deep and cordial relationship.

In 2008, perhaps sensing the coming crisis, he began a project dedicated to this great Greek patriot and world-renowned composer.

He collaborated closely with him for about four years and their collaboration created, in addition to the large collection of images referring to the life and work of Mikis Theodorakis, an original study of his symphonic music and video films that invest Theodorakis’ classical music with images, a new kind of art, a real revelation even for them, which facilitates the listening of “difficult” classical musical works by the uninitiated and is attributed to the scientific term awareness. A fine example of what the relationship between two great creators can bring and a counterbalance to the intellectual stagnation created by the so-called crisis in Greece.

he himself writes...

From the first moment I felt that I was dealing with a difficult subject, to trace the life of a contemporary of mine, Mikis Theodorakis, someone who, with an emotional bond, surpasses the known standards… My tracings want to touch this illuminated being, this invisible radiation emitted by his physical being. The body is transformed into a spiritual carrier of energy, the cells participate in an energetic contraction, which produces flashes of this inner transparency. This is the whole man, when the forces that imprison each of us in this particular earthly world can be released….

E. Warlamis

what did they say...