What is the Crypt?

This project was conceived and designed by Varlamis in the period 2013-2015. It was a life’s work for him due to the special relationship of the Apostle Paul with his birthplace, the city of Veria.


It is a multifaceted experiential sacred monument which refers to the visit of the Apostle Paul to Veria as described in the Acts of the Apostles by the evangelist Luke. In 50 AD the Apostle Paul accompanied by Silas, Timothy and Luke visited Veria after the wild events in Thessaloniki and here he met the Beroean Sopatros who accompanied him on the continuation of his mission.


The Acts mentions very positive comments about the Jews of Veria and also about the Greeks who heard Paul’s sermon and converted to Christianity.


The internal architecture of the Crypt monument is defined not only by the differentiation of the spaces but also by the direction of the chiaroscuro, i.e. the spaces through the chiaroscuro convey the power of light, of spiritual light. Then there is an expression and an atmosphere of a catacomb since the space is underground accompanied by a decoration, a microcosm of marble and plaster sculptures and reliefs from the first Christians of Veria and copies of relics of Early Christian churches that will be built into the corridors and other spaces of the Crypt and visitors will be able to touch and caress them.

At the central point of the Crypt there are images of the apostle Paul’s struggle, the experience in Damascus, the imprisonment in Rome, vivid images that will convey the sense of the living presence and the direct encounter with the apostle. In this way, a global and comprehensive staging is created from the light, from the images from the architectural spaces, corridors and halls, from the microcosm, the film screenings, that is, a global experience is created that gives the person complete satisfaction, without leaving him with any gaps or questions.

The architectural staging of the Crypt is distinguished into the external and internal. The external form is the form of the attraction, it is the outside, it is the presence of the open appearance that is not hidden but presented and this is absolutely necessary because in this way it can also express the function that this exteriorization has to secure this sacred mystery of the Crypt, i.e. the sacredness of the interior space. And on the other hand, it is a differentiation and a distraction from the pedantry and materialism of the cheap architecture of the city’s environment.

This is a space that will activate the deepest memory of people, will constitute a historical document and will orchestrate technology and science in the unwavering and timeless work of the Christian vision that continues, after two millennia, to be the most essential and hopeful vision of life in modern society.

Of particular importance is the experiential nature of the work, where the co-functioning of architecture, painting, lighting and music will enable the visitor to “experience” the life and work of the apostle to the Gentiles.

he himself writes...

My proposal refers to the formation, in collaboration with theologians and archaeologists, of an evocative space where visitors will experience the “living” presence of Paul. The idea of designing and realizing a Crypt for Paul is a complex task. It requires a lot of sensitivity and emotional identification. Because the program of this idea foresees a monument and at the same time a place of prayer, perhaps the founding idea of the first Christian church, with foundation walls, a baptistery and frescoes, sculptures, portraits of the first Christians, depictions and representations that evoke an emotional charge, it requires a lot of architectural skills. The Crypt is the deepening, the immersion, in the mystery of faith. In the same way that Paul in his first sermon relied on the inhabitants of Veria. It is a world-class architectural concept that appears as a dynamic message of 21st century Christianity. In other words, it will be an iconographic direction that goes far beyond the usual data and touches on utopia and vision, while at the same time it will also constitute a security against the cheap material surroundings of the small provincial town of Veria, so that the global character of this Christian renewal idea will appear. The “Crypt” will have more levels, without changing the current external state of the “Step”, it will surround and secure it more. In other words, it is a visionary image at the bottom of which will be the “Catacomb of Faith” and the triumph of the Crucified and Risen Lord. I believe that with my maturation as an architect I reach the zenith of my creative work and create a comprehensive project that will offer multiple experiences and vicissitudes to each visitor so that they can renew their identity and Christian memory.

E. Warlamis